Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Baby Book!

So today I finally started filling out LC's Baby Book of "firsts!" It's been sitting in a closet probably since before he was even born in a box and I looked at it maybe one time since I bought it. After going through his closet and de-cluttering the pile of a disaster thrown in there (I still had 6 month clothes he was never going to fit into hanging up!), I decided to start filling out his baby book. Thank you to my Blog and endless amounts of photos saved in folders arranged by his age to help me answer all of these questions!

I think being a mom has made me procrastinate even more, because I want to spent all of my time WITH him! I thought I would have more time being able to stay at home with LC everyday, but sadly, that is not the case!

So today, I sit starting this baby book with intentions of doing more and maybe one day even actually doing his scrapbook (which would mean I should finish the one of me and Kyle that was supposed to be out at our wedding too, huh?) I accomplished a lot today, what if I could do this everyday? LC would have a baby book/scrapbook for every month of his life!... Okay, now I'm getting carried away.

So here it is... the baby book! Now in 20 years, he will know he smothered poop all over his bedroom when he was 13 months old and laughed for the first time on our family vacation in FL! I must admit, I'm kind of glad I waited so long to do this, because it's been fun reminiscing on his firsts and the first, most precious moments of his life!

With Love,

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